Embark on an exhilarating mission to save the planet with Metal Contras: Soldiers Squad, a captivating run-and-gun adventure set in the dystopian year of 2077. As the Earth faces a dire threat from the formidable Red Falcon terrorist organization, which has joined forces with alien monsters on a South American island, players are called into action. Assume the role of one of the two valiant super soldiers, Rambo or Bill, and navigate through a labyrinth of challenges to restore peace to the world.
In the app, players find themselves armed with a formidable arsenal, including Flamethrowers, S Bullets, Cluster Bullets, and Rapid Fire Bullets. Strategic prowess will be tested as individuals traverse intricate mazes, dodge attacks in underground security systems, and negotiate treacherous jungle terrain under the shadow of a massive waterfall. Alien cannons and unforeseen threats lurk around every corner, ensuring that the journey to quell the terrorists and their extraterrestrial allies is as perilous as it is urgent.
The game boasts a nostalgic 8bit pixel art style and immersive sound that evoke the classic era of run-and-gun games, familiar to many from the days of 4-button arcade machines. Now accessible on mobile devices at no cost, the game features eight iconic levels, each presenting new challenges and adrenaline-fueled excitement. The intuitive and smooth control system ensures that engagement in the action is seamless for both seasoned veterans and new recruits.
Experience the thrill of combat and strategy, where the fate of the Earth rests in the hands of those who dare to confront the challenge. Should players succeed, they will not only conquer the alien and terrorist menace but also claim their place as saviors of the world. Engage with the adventure today and start an incredible journey filled with non-stop action and heroic feats.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 5.1 or higher required
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